Stories by shellspire (2 matches)

I Love Bombed This Pole

I love bombed this pole at the park behind my house with free take what you need and take a compliment printable. They are inspirational posters with a tear off compliment or inspirational word. 

868 Reads

Having Faith In My Mother's Goodness

Today I was believing eyes to my mom. Believing eyes is a practice by Sonia Chouqette who says to totally agree by saying you would be great at that or something nurturing when someone states a desire or dream of theirs. So my mom is applying for a volunteer position working with single Moms and wants to use me as a reference because we volunteered  together way back when I with Sunday School.

She also took in Foster Children and later did senior care. So I told her she would be amazing for that and that she made a such a difference by giving back to the community through her volunteering and supportive positions as well as being a good mom and grandparent too.

668 Reads

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