Stories by Jac (2 matches)

Got Up Off My Bed

For a long time, I have been toying with the idea of going abroad to do something worthwhile, a voluntary thing, either working with kids or animals... and have been spoiled for choices with the kind of organised things you can pick, different causes, different countries. It's very expensive though. And I was puzzling over how can I be able to afford the flights and costs and everything. And impatience took over me. I thought "I can't wait to do something, I have to do something worthwhile NOW!!" So I just got up off my bed, went downstairs and started making sandwiches and put some crisps and some biscuits and an apple into about 6 little disposable picnic bags, called a couple of friends and told them my idea - "we're going into the city to give this food out to the homeless!" My friends loved the idea and we ... Read Full Story >>

4958 Reads

Everyday Kindness Hero

My friend K is truly an inspiration. Since I met him, I have come to realise the real meaning of kindness and selflessness. He is so giving, will do anything for anybody, always offers to help out a friend, neighbour, relative or stranger no matter how close or faintly related!

He turns up at the gym and gives a box of chocolates to the lady on reception, he will fix anything that is broken, he mended my aerial on my car and fitted a stereo in my mum's car, goes out of his way to pick someone up or drop them off, went searching in his basement for a tiny washer that my dad mentioned he needed, buys me lunch all the time, ALWAYS gladly and never expects ANYTHING in return. ALWAYS has a cheerful smile on his face. What a guy!! xxx

1902 Reads

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