Stories by screechingbird (3 matches)

Interconnectedness with a bee

While I was painting in the studio, an insect - I assumed a fly - kept hitting against the window, trying to get back outdoors. I felt a brief moment of compassion, as I imagined its sense of panic. I kept a door open nearby, hopeful for its freedom. Hours later I learned it was a honeybee, as he landed on my easel, then flew right towards me, and landed on the front of my shirt! Amazingly, my first reaction was not fear, but rather one of compassion. He seemed tired, from all the efforting. Together we made our way outside, where he took flight to the skies, presumably back home. A feeling of joy for his freedom came up. I feel grateful that compassion came first. It so easily could have been otherwise. I am grateful I did not lash out in panic or fear or try to cause harm. Today I bow to ... Read Full Story >>

855 Reads

A Piece of My Heart

Quietly folding origami hearts was my meditative response to processing the events of this week in the U.S.

I left a small box of them in the post office lobby, hoping to offer peace and connection in these difficult times. I checked back later and almost all were gone.

There is such an art to letting go of that which we cannot control, and yet staying engaged with so much that we can still do to touch lives.

494 Reads

Heartfelt Sharing For Those in School

I assembled 30 packets of seven origami hearts in each and delivered it to the counseling center at the local high school, with a thank you note for all they do. 

They will know best who might enjoy a packet of hearts to keep and can enjoy sharing the rest.

I delivered the packets a week early with instructions on how to make the hearts thinking they might like to grow the project between now and Monday.

My heart goes out to everyone in schools right now.

425 Reads

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