Stories by AlliasonKai (2 matches)

Kindness Rocks My World!

Today was a great day! I bought four huge pinwheels at the dollar store and was heading for the checkout when a little boy got so excited seeing them. His dad asked where I found them and took him back to get his own to take home. While waiting in line, a woman asked about an item I had multiples of in my cart. I asked her if she would like to take a couple and she checked them out and picked the one she liked. She was so thrilled she did not have to go back into the store to find the item. I had a great conversation with the flooring people at Lowes today. They were very helpful. I also had a nice chat with girl at the resale store. She needed change so I emptied my coin purse and let her take what she wanted. She was happy as ... Read Full Story >>

1231 Reads

Kindness out of nowhere!

​Today I experienced and amazing act of kindness and wanted to share it with all of you. I went to a local resale shop and found an amazing print. Without much thought I bought it for a whopping $10.00. Then got it out to my compact car and it did not fit. I called everyone I knew, and no one was around I could not return it.

As I was about to leave it, feeling sad and disappointed a very kind and compassionate man also carrying two smaller prints asked if I had a problem. I explained my dilemma. After he stopped laughing he offered to take my picture home for me! Still beaming over how happy he made me. (and my sister who hated the picture above my couch and suggested that one could replace it) I'm still giddy every time I think about the experience!

1158 Reads

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