Stories by VinaySharma (1 matches)

Being Witness To How Kindness Spreads

Whenever I use public transport and if I get a place to sit, I offer that seat to someone who needs it more than I (especially to the elderly, to women or someone desperately looking for a seat). I have made a habit of saying "Thank you" to people, if I see them sacrificing their places for the fellow passengers on public transport. Seeing this all unfold, I they feel proud to experience that "acts of kindness" are appreciated by people. So many times I have experienced that showing kindness in public places spreads like wildfire. I have seen that people around us get inspired after seeing our kindness behavior and they themselves also start behaving similarly i.e., showing kindness in offering their places and adjusting themselves to accommodate others. Observing  and experiencing such things give immense pleasure and joy.  I firmly believe that goodness will spread profoundly across the world through these ... Read Full Story >>

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