Stories by spazcase (3 matches)

Shopping with good karma

When I go shopping for clothes, I am grateful to find the clothes hanging on the hangers and not falling off. If I come across a top or pair of pants that are not hung, I will hang them up. 

I do this as an act of kindness for others who may not see the top because it is not fully on the hanger.   I don't say to myself, "This is an employes job" but a nice thing I can do and I enjoy doing it! 

2570 Reads

The Welcome Wagon

Does anyone remember the welcome wagon?  When I was young and we moved into the suburbs, their was a great and fun way to meet and be introduced to the new neighborhood.  It was called the welcome wagon.  It really was a true old fashion wagon pulled by horses. 

We got to ride in the wagon around the new neighborhood and meet the other children on the block.  My mom received coupons and freebies from the local market.  The women on the block would make dishes to welcome her as a new neighbor.  I remember this act of kindness as though it was just yesterday. 

What happened in our society that we no longer have the welcome wagon?  These days it is a miracle if you know your next door neighbors.  I make sure that I keep in contact with my fellow neighbors.  When the mail comes, I meet and say hello to them.  A small act of kindness goes a long way.

1535 Reads

smile cards and karma

I have found a happiness so special  in giving out  smile cards.  My friends are glad to receive and give back in return - very fulfiling.  Each time I pass along a card to them, they have loved it.  I even have had a friend ask me if she could have a smile card. Smiling with happines, I gave her a card. I only have one card left.  Now that I know what karma points are, I am going to order more!!  SPREAD THE SMILES!!

1201 Reads

'spazcase' Also Commented on These Stories

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