Stories by Pigcat (1 matches)

Cigarette Sue

When we were not doing well, a lady from the neighborhood we lived in used to come to my door and ask for cigarettes all the time at strange hours of the day and night. I started to become frustrated with her, even turning around and yelling at her one day. It turns out that she was retired with a mental illness. I found this out during the summer talking to some of the other neighbors, and after working her whole entire life and having kids she was sleeping on the floor of a studio apartment. I didn't know she was sleeping on the floor until she came up to my car one day and said to me "did you hear I got a mattress?!" I was so shocked and after being given a second chance have made it my mission to re purpose every single thing from every apartment that my ... Read Full Story >>

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'Pigcat' Also Commented on These Stories

Lessons From My Daddy

Living Kindness Is What Changed Me

My Hour On the Streets of New York

87 Year Old Woman Named Rose

87 Year Old Woman Named Rose

Three Homeless Men