Stories by trahan1978 (1 matches)

Lessone From a 3-year Old

My three year-old got into helping me give out the "smile you've been tagged cards" to everyone she sees. She got people laughing right out loud , even the cashiers and baggers were laughing so hard. All the other workers stopped to laugh too when they read the card. Even other people shopping in the grocery store laughed,saying my daughter was so adorable.

My three year old said "have a nice day" to everyone she handed the card to. That's when everyone that wasn't yet laughing joined in too, making her even more proud and happy. She had even more confidence to make a world a more lovable place.

They thanked her and gave her a handshake , some of the older ladies and gentlemen asked me if they could have a hug from her.  They just wanted to say thank you personally to a beautiful little lady who jsut made their day a lot more better. She even got a couple of people in tears saying nobody has ever been so nice to them.

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