Stories by myturn (3 matches)

The gift that continues to give

I have always believed that people come into your life for a reason. With this in mind I met a man at work who had a drug problem. I knew because I used to.

Over the next 2 years we became closer and had long talks about his addiction. I knew I was supposed to help him, but I didn't know how. I had talked him into rehab and even took him to the center but every time he got out he would relapse. I thought long and hard until "IT" came to me.

I had to give more of myself, go on a leap of faith. I convinced him to try rehab one more time and when he got out I moved him into to my apartment, against the advice of those around me. Getting him out of his  earlier environment was the key. He never relapsed again. We just celebrated his 2 year clean date in January, after 23 years of abuse. He is still my roommate and has since helped me more than any friend I have ever had.   

3827 Reads

You Helped Me

I know this site is primarily for sharing stories of how we help others, however I have to take this time to say thank you. 

All of you and your stories have not only helped with my depression but it has given me more faith in others. I am in the process of changing careers to the non-for-profit sector, especially focused on children's homes in our local area. I never would have made this change had you not all shown me the world is still a place full of good people.

Hopefully I get this job and can begin to share your stories with the children who have lost their faith in humanity, the way I had before I found this site.  Wish me luck on the job and again from the bottom of my heart I thank those who started this website and all those that are members.

You have truly made an amazing difference in my life and my future. God bless you ALL!

3081 Reads

Just a Routine Grocery Trip

Yesterday evening while at the grocery store I was approached by a young woman. She had the most sincere smile I can remember ever seeing and for some reason she was smiling at me.

I looked behind me just to make sure and yes I was the only other person in the aisle.  As she got close enough,  she said "I was sent to make sure you know God loves you."

I can't lie here.  My first thought was -- 'Oh boy, here comes the pamphlets and preaching'.  But instead she just gave me that amazing smile and said, "Have a blessed night"

That was it.  And she walked away.

I was upset with myself  for automatically assuming the worst "cult" senerio. I didn't even say anything to her. Except a much too late and clumsy ' Ahh.  Thanks'. 

I have been thinking all day what I should have said. I logged on and saw "Because Kindness Is Contagious!"  Thats when I realized it didn't matter what I said if anything as long as I allowed that interaction to change me for the better.

1588 Reads

'myturn' Also Commented on These Stories

My Second Chance To Be a Parent

In Debt To Strangers

Seventy Necklaces With A Note

A Car Ride To Remember

The Crumpled Dollar

I Just Can't Stop Smiling!

Nanny's Birthday Lunch

Living Like Paupers but Feeling Like Princesses

Passing on the Smiles

Help From A Lawyer

An Experiment in Teaching Children Philanthropy

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A new project