Stories by papaya (6 matches)

5 Things to do with Spare Change

Change is heavy, jingly, and annoying, so why keep it around in your wallet?

Here is a list of my top 5 kind things to do with pocket change:

  1. Cover someone's expired parking meter. It only cost you a few quarters, but it might save someone a $40 parking ticket.
  2. Put it in a vending machine, pay phone, laundromat, or any other service machine requiring change for the next person who comes along. Make sure you leave a note and a smile card so the person knows what you did.
  3. Just Drop It! Someone in need of a lucky penny will come along and pick it up!
  4. Throw it into a public fountain. The change from those usually go to a charity anyways. Plus, you get to make a wish!
  5. The next time go get an ice cream or a cup of coffee, leave your extra change behind with the clerk and tell them to use it towards the next customer's purchase. Trust me, it'll make their day!
Got any more?

6356 Reads

A Trail of Shells

I live in Florida in an area that is famous for its shells. Many tourists wake up at 5:00 in the morning to find the best shells.

Living here, we have learned where to find the best shells and how to look for them. A lot of tourists spend time walking up and down the shore on the same beach and they don't tend to find very interesting stuff. And I figure, since I live here, there's no real point in looking for shells for myself since I already have a big collection.

So, whenever I find really nice shells (and sand dollars- those are not easy to find but are in high demand), I go out at night and scatter them along the beach for some lucky tourist to find.

Once I saw a family find a really pretty sand dollar I had left and they were so excited! It made their vacation. Plus, they were from Europe and they had traveled a long way for their vacation. I was so glad that someone deserving got my little gift!

I'll continue to leave more shells along the beach whenever I can!

4284 Reads

An Amazing Tip At A Coffee Shop

Today I was at our local coffee shop (NOT Starbucks, I might add :] ) and I saw something truly incredible.

The woman in front of me in line was having a friendly conversation with the person working at the shop. All of the sudden, out of the clear blue, this woman decided to hand the clerk a 100 dollar bill as a tip for being so friendly! The woman was very plain looking- her clothes looked worn but clean and she did not appear at all wealthy.

I think this is a terrific example for us to follow. Obviously, not everyone can afford to hand away a hundred dollars everwhere, but we can do the same sort of thing on a smaller scale. Leave generous tips at restaurants. Toss your extra change in the tip jar-- honestly, saving that 26 cents will not benefit you. You can even make a child's day by dropping a nickel or a quarter here and there and everywhere! (make sure it's heads up!)

2636 Reads

Good Things Come In Unexpected Places

I know that a lot of times people are too shy or embarrased to perform very obvious or direct acts of kindness for total strangers.

My favorite way to distribute smile cards is to do it anonymously by leaving them in random places along with a little gift for someone to find. You can slip them in the pages of a book with a colorful homemade bookmark. You can tape one with a dollar bill on a vending machine for the next person to be treaten to a cool drink. Even try tacking one up on a lamp post/telephone pole so that when someone comes along posting up signs for their missing pet, they'll find a little surprise there.

Be creative with the gifts!

2158 Reads

New Way to Give to Homeless

When a homeless person is standing on the side of the highway, holding up a cardboard sign asking for money, many people simply look away ignore the person.

I know that sometimes I am hesitant to give away money to people on the street, and sometimes I simply can't get out my wallet in time. However, a really easy thing to do is purchase gift certificates for small amounts from places like McDonalds. They offer $1 gift slips there. Buy 10 or 20 of these and keep them in your glove compartment.

The next time you see someone in need, simply hand them a few and encourage them to go get a hot coffee and a burger. This way you know they will get a decent meal and you know they won't use them to buy other things.

Another simple idea is to hand them a granola bar and a juice box. Little things, but they might just keep someone alive another day!

2017 Reads

Use the Newspaper!

I recently discovered that the newpaper is a great way to get ideas for random acts of kindness.

You can get inspired from almost every section of the paper- call up someone from the classefieds and support them by giving them a small job to do. Look for new stores or websites to visit. The local news sections are really fun to read- the unique and interesting little local stories about everyday people always make you smile, and might inspire you do to something kind for them or anyone!

1488 Reads

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