Stories by LoveyDovey (2 matches)

Cares And Cheers!

Hello, my kind friends!  I hope you are well and having a wonderful week! This year has really started off very busy--a very good thing for me. Keeps me out of trouble! : ). I wanted to share my latest project.  My husband's aunt has dementia and is in a nearby nursing facility. We have not been able to see her in-person due to COVID visitor restrictions. I thought maybe a care package would be a nice way to brighten her day. As I was coming up with ideas for the package, I thought why not do something special for all the residents and staff. Hand-written cards for residents (16 women/2 men--girl power!) tucked in handled organizer baskets containing recommended items such as stuffed animals, lotion, chapstick, toothbrushes/toothpaste, sandwich cookies packs, and a little silk Gerber daisy flower arrangement (an extra little box of chocolates just for "my girl"---she is family after all ... Read Full Story >>

844 Reads

Seed Bombs for Birds and Bees

I have been making Guerrilla Gardening Seed Bombs this spring to pretty-up an area and to attract bees and birds. The seed bombs contain mostly poppy, daisy, bachelor button, and wildflower mix seeds. I toss them on my property. (Some people use a sling shot to spread them. How fun is that?)

There are many ways to create them, but my method is to pinch off some clay and mold a half dollar-sized little bowl, then place a pinch of seeds and gardening soil/compost mixture with a spritz of water inside. I mold it into a ball and roll it in the soil/compost mixture. After letting them air dry for 24 hours, they're ready to toss.


595 Reads

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