Stories by polarbaby (1 matches)

Secret Angel

My older sister and her companion recently broke up after about 4-5 years together.  It has been really hard on my sister so i wanted to do something to make things a little easier for her.  I got a gift bag and filled it with different things she likes (tiger things and things with smiles) and a poem telling her that things will get easier with time and that she has people that love her and are praying for her.  I signed it from her SECRET ANGEL.  While everyone was away from her house one day i snuck over and stuck it in between her two doors so i was sure she would find it when she got home. 

Let's just say she was in total shock and still to this day has no idea who would do something so nice for her!!!!  It made her smile which she hasn't been doing to much of lately but it is also driving her crazy trying to figure out who it is!!!!

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