Stories by sathsath (3 matches)

Turning Fear Into True Compassion

This is a true story that happened to my friend Rekha... Rekha maintains an exercise regime that includes a brisk walk every morning around some gardens in our neighbourhood.  One morning, she was walking earlier then usual, daybreak was only just beginning to set in and it was still relatively dark. As she was walking, a cyclist came up to her, snatched her handbag (containing her keys, phone and credit cards) and sped off with it! She ran after him shouting "thief - thief".  A man further ahead must have heard her, or seen what had happened.  He was washing a car and had a bucket of water with him.  He grabbed the bucket and threw the water on to the cyclist. The cyclist, caught off guard, drove off the pavement and his bike fell over.  The other people in the park rushed over and surrounded him.  My friend Rekha was worried that the people would ... Read Full Story >>

47.4K Reads

Feeding Three Puppies

Earlier this month, I woke up to see a breathtaking view outside my balcony.   The monsoon was full blown, the far off mountains showing their shades of green, the skyscape glowing in its majesty.  It all looked like a celestial art gallery displaying  unique colors in pastel shades, peppered by a rays of sun. In morning prayers, I asked, "God, this day, I feel to do a good turn."  That day was my fifty third birthday and I wanted an opportunity to share my gratitude. My friends were after me to share the natures beauty with them, on this special day.  And so I went with them, down a sloping trail, to descend in the company of beautifully flying crickets as I saw one settle on a rundown brick shack. Suddenly, at the gate, appeared 3 puppies, hardly 3 weeks old.  They were adorable, in white with random black dots uniform, but their faces showed despair.  Perhaps they ... Read Full Story >>

1986 Reads

A Fallen biker

In a town in India, I saw a bicycle being hit by a speeding car, the guy fell and the car immediately fled. The man lay bruised and injured. A small crowd of nearby stall owners gatherd but didn't do anything to help the guy who was now bleeding.

I arrived on the spot with dabs of cotten and rubbing alcohol. I smiled at the man and requested the people to give him room to breathe. The crowd thinned out. 

Next I assured him of that there were  no big injuries. He sat up and one of the stall owners got him water to drink. I used some to wash the bruise, dabbed the rubbing alcohol in cotton and applied over the wound , it was painful at first but he was pleased to have his wound cleaned.

Since then all the stall owners regard me warmly every time they see me. 

1504 Reads

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How My Father Taught Me Non-Violence

Stormy Night Outside Taco Bell

Looking for Josephs

Message In A Wallet

Swift Reaction At a Circus

Life Is Baeutiful.