Stories by treeflowerpuzzle (1 matches)

Grocery Store Flower Bouquet

Many years ago, my husband and I were at a neighborhood grocery store with our two sons.  My elder son has Downs Syndrome and his baby brother was  also diagnosed with mild autism a few years later.

Right as we were passing the floral department, a lady who worked there, handed me a bouquet of flowers.  Unexpectedly.  "These are for you," she said.  "I've been looking for someone to give these to!"   She said she would tell the cashier at the checkout  that they were free.

The gesture brought tears to my eyes. 

My son with Downs Syndrome is now 12 years old and my "baby" is 8.  I draw on this kind incident to give me strength when people have given me rude and even verbally abusive comments, when my children have had problems being in public. 

Receiving those flowers has really made a deep impression on my life.  Thank you, to that kind lady in the floral department that day!

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