Stories by agscola (1 matches)

Cold Water Bottles To Beat The Heat

As president of a local chapter of the MOMS Club, we decided to carryout a year-long theme with the moms/children..."365 Days of Kindness".  Each day I would send out an idea to demonstrate a random act of kindness.

One particular act that received much applause, was on an extremely hot summer day, to pass out iced cold bottled water to any roadside worker that you come across throughout the day.  I can be a little shy, and felt funny pulling along side the road with kids in tow, but did it anyhow.  The conversation sort of went like this...

Me:  Excuse me fellows.  Its awfully hot out today.  Could I interest you in a cold bottle of water?

Two Young Men:  Why, that would be mighty nice right about now.  You are too kind.

Me and the kids were so excited, that we couldn't wait to keep driving and find more people in need of some cold water. 

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