Stories by bigbird (2 matches)

A Slice Of Love In the Supermarket Aisle

I was working in a supermarket promoting a new variety of bread.  My job was to hand out slices of bread; it was very monotonous and at times very hard to keep motivated saying the same thing over and over again.

So I decided to change it up, and alter my perspective on the situation.  With a piece of bread in my hand, I started to say, "Would you like to try a slice of love?  And I'm also giving away free hugs today."

And so I started hugging complete strangers, as they passed by my aisle.

The reactions of the people absolutely blew me away!  An older lady said she had not been hugged in two years.  I was so moved by our brief conversation that I decided that I'm always going to be ever-ready to share my hugs freely – you just never know who might need them!

8291 Reads

Magical Powers!

I was looking after a beautiful child called Jake; Jake would only ever wear his Spider-Man pajamas and would often get his face painted like Spider-Man when ever we passed a face painter on the street.

One day when we were out walking and Jake was in his Spider-Man outfit with his face painted, a lady walking by said “Oh look, its Spider-Man.” 

He looked up at me and said “See La (that was what he called me), they know who I am.”

I thought I would share this with you today as I wanted you all to remember the superhero inside of you all and let others really see your magical powers!

Spread the magic! xxx

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