Stories by dholland33 (2 matches)

Forget Discouragement, Remember the Smile

Sometimes I feel like I am not good at anything and I get so discouraged.   We spend more hours at work doing menial tasks than we do at home.  I would like to feel some kind of accomplishment after all of the hard work.

Then a great friend at work lifted me up with a smile and reminded me that this is life, its gonna be ok.  Then I stopped to look at the things I have to be thankful for.  There are so many things that I have been blessed with!

Am I gonna remember this discouragement  tomorrow? Probably not.  But I will remember the smile.


1334 Reads

Smiling With the Eyes

I thought coming up with acts of kindness would be easy but sometimes I don't have the opportunities simply because I am busy. But now I look at going out to lunch during work as an opportunity to do something kind for someone else. And it's exciting!

I stay especially busy because I have a parent living with my husband and I and she has Alzheimers. I have a closer view now of how some older people must feel. Every time I see an older person I smile at them, not with just my mouth, but with my eyes. Its not fun getting old. My mother-in-law and I used to go shopping and out to eat together. Now it's a long process to go anywhere.

We went out one night recently and ordered a dessert to share. I was loving our apple-pecan dessert! She couldn't get any on her spoon and so I quietly got up from my side of the table and went over to her side and I helped her eat. Everyone on this website is right. It's the simple things that matter.

1277 Reads

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