Stories by theresa (1 matches)

Doing Unto Others As They Have Done Unto Me

Being disabled, I sometimes have trouble walking and standing in lines.  I have some kind of a movment disorder that makes me start shaking and sometimes causes me to fall.  There have been times that I have been in line at the grocery store and my legs are ready to give out.  I usually ask the person in front of me if its okay that I go in front of them because of my problem.  They can see that I'm not well and let me go first.  I know that I have held them up because it will take me longer to pay but they don't seem to mind.

On my good days, I like to let people go in front of me if they are elderly or disabled or only have a few items.  I feel it is the least that I can do to say thanks for all the times people have let me through to the front.  Why hold them up when I feel good and have more items than them.

It makes me feel good to give back what others have done for me. Thank you for letting me share this with you.  Just wanted to let you know that there are nice people everywhere.

1600 Reads

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