Stories by cmsharr (2 matches)

A Simple Pleasure In A Disaster Zone


I volunteered to help out with disaster relief in Ringgold, GA. Little did I know that what I was about to see would touch me so deeply!
I saw neighbors helping neighbors, teenagers cleaning up debris and, most of all, I saw lots of volunteers praying. 
I volunteered for the whole day. When it was time to go home I was emotionally spent.
At one point a mother came to me with two small children, one in each arm. I asked her if I could help her or get her something to eat. She replied, "My babies saw your cooler boxes and my youngest just wants some ice." 
I scooped a cupfull and handed it to the little one. His face lit up and his tiny voice said, "Ice!"
Ever since then when I have a drink with ice in it I remember that the simple things in life should never ever be taken for granted.
Since then I have volunteered many more times and, as bad as it might get, I will always remember the lesson that little one taught me!


3654 Reads

When is a Discount Added Value?

   I was doing my regular shopping and noticed someone had left discount coupons they had clipped on the corresponding items. Being a busy mom,  I have little time to clip coupons so I used what someone had left behind.  Someone had been kind enough to leave these coupons on the items and that good turn helped me save. So, the other day, I had a coupon for a 10 percent reduction that I wasn't going to use so I decided to surprise someone.  I found a lady with a young child who had a huge buggy of groceries and gave it to her. Whoever you are, "coupon clipper," I paid it forward!

1300 Reads

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