Stories by Sarine (1 matches)

Rescuing a Little White Kitten

Sometime during 2003 winter, while we were driving back home late at night, my boyfriend and I were on a rocky road, going up a hill.  We were having quite an argument and the mood in the car was pretty tense.  We were both angry and he was almost losing his temper, when suddenly he stopped the car in the middle of the road. As usual we had an electricity cut and it was pretty dark all around.  I thought it was going to get bad, because of what I had said.  He opened the door and climbed out of the car.  At this point, I didn't know what to do and think.  Next thing I knew, he went to the front of the car and kneeled.  When he got up, he had a little white kitten in his hands!  The kitten was so tiny, wet and shaking from the cold. I was ... Read Full Story >>

1903 Reads

'Sarine' Also Commented on These Stories

Sandpiper To Bring You Joy

The Law of Garbage Trucks

Daffodil Principle

Trees DO grow in Brooklyn!

A Cab Ride I'll Never Forget

Small Dose of Hope, Thirty Years Ago

How A Bookstore Can Change Your Life

A Song For the Whole World

Grandfather's Wooden Bowl

The Security Guard's Idea!