Stories by joyful (4 matches)

We're Hand Jiving Fools - Pass It On!

My daughter and I have this little bonding activity we do when we are driving together. It may seem corny, but it makes us laugh and it doesn't just stop with us. Many others drivers surrounding us end up joining in the fun and start smiling away! When we get to traffic lights that turn red, instead of feeling irritated that we actually have to wait, we use the moment to start hand jiving. We engage in the full-blown activity, by waving our arms to the music, head bobbing, and sending out big smiles into the universe. Even my 3 year-old granddaughter joins in now and starts giggling and shaking around in her car seat! The reactions we get from surrounding motorists and pedestrians are varied.  Some look surprised. Some pretend not to notice and some give us a smile. Then there are the ones we love the most. Those are the ones who catch on and start creating their own dance moves in the car ... Read Full Story >>

2075 Reads

Back to Having A Sense of Purpose

It is a rainy Sunday morning and I was just playing solitaire on my computer when an e-mail popped up from this wonderful site with the weekly newsletter that I subscribe for! 

I had been sitting here feeling very low as I have had four months of health problems and am now facing six months off work on disability. Talk about feeling sorry for myself!

Then I started reading your stories! It has been along time since I was on this site but now I am back and full of a sense of purpose!

A huge thank you to you all for reminding me that life is what we make it, not just for ourselves but for others too!

2074 Reads

Thanks to All of You (Yes, You)

Things have been very tough for quite a while now. You know how sometimes you think it can't get worse but it does? Oh yes does it ever!!  Everyday seems to be either an up-hill struggle or has a "hanging on by your eyelashes" kind  of a feel to it.

Well, today was a great day!.My husband has been out of work but today he got offered not one but two jobs. He got a tax rebate, and I sold seven items of my personal jewelery and clothing before I even heard this from him.

I want to thank each and every one of you. Your support and love has given me the strength to lift my head up and face this world. You have given me my inner spark back. I was down but not beaten, yet today I feel the sun on my face, the clouds are moving on :-)

Do you realise how important and special you all are?  Just by being out there and joining this site you all make a difference.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my friends, thank you.

1572 Reads

Just Another Rainy Day?

It rained today. Depressing? No!  It was wonderful, refreshing and left that gorgeous fresh smell in the air. It washed all the dust off the trees and plants, it somehow renewed everything, gave it a crystal clarity, and the really great part of today... I received many kind words from my new friends on this site. 

Because of you, I talked to a woman at work who is very shy and we laughed together.  I talked with a woman who used to be a friend and cleared the air between us.  I forgave my husband for one of those daft things he does that irritates me.  And tomorrow I plan to keep on with ,or without , the rain. Thank you all!

1555 Reads

'joyful' Also Commented on These Stories

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking

A Priceless Smile From An Old Lady

Helping Others Know They Are Not Alone

An Unforgettable Breakfast at McDonalds

Smile Stones, Mile Stones

Ready-to-Go Care Packages

Scouts On A Train To Scotland

Being There When He Needed It Most