Stories by nya05 (1 matches)

Sweet Temptation To Be A Little Kinder

Hi dear friends...I was just laughing to myself thinking how I seem to anticipate logging onto this webbsite every chance I get and it's awesome how I never get dissappointed really.  It's all that I long for and more...real people with real stories to share that actually happen to them.

When you hear others talking about things that seem so far off from you it's so amazing the strength that creeps into you and suddenly your mind goes in a new direction where it's all I can all the way.

I'm tempted in a good way every time I log on and even when I don't, just thoughts of stories read and new friends made gives me enough reason to be a little kinder.  A little blinder to the faults that are so evident in our everday lives and focus more on the goodness and joy life actually brings.

Thank you every one who is a member of this website.  You are "temptors temptresses"....bringing along sweet temptation to this little one's life...

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