Stories by Loubops (2 matches)

Paying forward $20 and making a beautiful connection

My son is currently in law school in a large city, and therefore he's basically broke.  Recently, I sent him a card with a twenty dollar bill so that he would go eat. He was so excited to receive the card and money. 

Upon leaving the post office, he saw a homeless woman standing on the sidewalk next to him.  She asked him a question about a sports team listed on his shirt, which led to a lengthy discussion about sports in general.

When he left, he gave her the twenty dollars. 

I'm so proud of my son. Not just for passing on the money, but for "seeing" the woman on the street and talking to her, not as a homeless woman, but as someone with an opinion and ideas.  Since then, he's gotten to know many people that he randomly meets on the streets and on the bus. 

He makes this mom proud.  :)

1721 Reads

When Tables Turn Randomly...

A week ago I received my "smile cards" in the mail.  I was so excited to give out my first card!  I had to go to the grocery store, so I decided to give out a card there.  The plan was to let the person in line behind me at the checkout counter go in front of me - no matter how many groceries were in their cart!  I got in line and anxiously waited for someone to come up behind me.  Unfortunately, the clerk closed the line behind me so there wasn't anyone there to give it to!  I pushed my cart to the parking lot where my car was parked.  I spied a young pregnant woman unloading her groceries.   My plan then changed - after I put my bags in the car, I would offer to return her cart for her so she wouldn't have to walk far in the ... Read Full Story >>

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