Stories by jcwilson68 (1 matches)

Doorstep Kindness With My Daughters

I want to teach my two daughters about giving to others so I decided to include them in a kindness idea that I was doing.

I work outside of my regular job for two days a month. I use all the money I earn from that towards purchasing gifts which I give to anonymous people in my community.

So far, I have purchased 100 prayer bears and salvation cards to go with them. Together, my daughters and I packaged them and we included a smile card with each bear.  We are now delivering them to people in our community.  We have already delivered 25 of the bears to people's doorsteps.

This act brings so much joy to my daughters and myself. It was really fun for me to watch how excited they were to deliver the packages.

We will continue to do this and my hope is that people will be touched by the thought behind the gift and pass that on to others.

Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you smile card donors!

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