Stories by ZwagC (4 matches)

Gifting what we don`t need

An elderly neighbor threw out one of those huge old TVs since it no longer worked. I offered him a big flat screen TV which I rarely used. He was very happy and thankful.

As I have gotten older, I realize how materialistic things are not important and at times we accumulate so much that we don`t need. We can't take these things with us when we go.

387 Reads

Kids Who Are Appreciative Makes One Do More For Them

While shopping at Costco over the weekend I bought a clearance swimming pool for the neighbor's 5-year-old son to enjoy next summer. He will be happy and excited as that's the kind of young boy he is. Over the summer he got chickens and a rooster and loves birds so got real peacock feathers and left them for him as a surprise. I love kids' curiosity and their desire to learn. They are Brazilian and very passtionate and I love that.

290 Reads

A Offer Of Help - A Offer Back Of Appreciation

A neighbor said he'd cut down my tree that fell in a storm. It was very kind and I think it's valuable when someone offers without being asked for help.

I picked up a home depot gift card for him and will drop it off today. I have also been thinking about these posts I have been doing and while I do these kinds of things often I've never posted about the good deeds as the world seems to think we should do it without speaking of it and I'm beginning to think that's wrong.

Why not share good deeds, it could inspire others to do the same.

232 Reads

Inspiring Young Man Making A Random Difference

On Sunday I went to Costco and an employee was playing music on a piano and singing and it was so refreshing. It was bringing smiles to people and it was inspiring.

After shopping, I asked for management and saw the young gentleman and I said they needed him to be playing up front that it changes the mood for the better of customers. The young man was humble and kind and thanked me for my words of appreciation.

He's leaving soon to move to another store but having heard him this time was good as he spreads cheer. One person can make a difference. I tried to upload the video to share but it would not accept it.
Make a difference today.

227 Reads

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