Stories by Frozone (3 matches)

I Created A Card For My Teacher

I created a card for a teacher who spreads so much kindness and joy in her classroom. I needed her to know that she is appreciated, and since she is a fan of Tupac, I printed his picture and quoted him, "You are appreciated."

198 Reads

Music Teachers Inspires Future Teachers

I have had the pleasure of observing a music teacher throughout the course of this school year, and she is remarkable. Between her instruction and student engagement, this teacher is amazing. One day, when I was visiting class, I asked a student if he enjoyed the program. He stated that he loved it so much that he had decided to pursue a career as a band teacher. This warmed my heart, and validated all the amazing instruction I had witnessed. I will follow up with the teacher today to share this story and commend her on her instruction and influence. We are lucky to have such positive and influential educators.

121 Reads

I Appreciated My Classmate

I complimented my classmate by commending her on her solutions-based thinking. She is never afraid of a challenge, but instead eagerly jumps at the opportunity to solve the problem. I sincerely appreciate having her as a peer.

102 Reads

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