Stories by flowergirl (3 matches)

When A Kind Act "Just Feels Right"

I was at the bus stop with my teenage son and daughter yesterday. We were on our way home from the summer fair at the children’s hospice. 

There was a man at the bus stop asking everyone if they could give him any money for bus fair. Everyone either ignored him or said no. I quietly slipped him £1.00. People muttered that he would probably spend it on drink or drugs and that I shouldn’t have bothered.
I didn’t listen to them, it just felt right to me to give it to him. It’s his choice what he does with the money, he may really have needed it to get home. For anyone to be in a position where they have to beg for money, they must have a lot of pain in their life and if there is a chance that the £1.00 could have helped to brighten their day just a little bit then I would gladly give it to them.


1662 Reads

Gratitude for the Chance to Help at a Children's Hospice

Yesterday was my first day as a volunteer at a childrens' hospice. When I arrived, I was made to feel so welcome by being introduced to everyone, given a cup of tea and then shown round.

The job they needed doing was a pile of ironing, which I was more than happy to do.  The lady in charge of volunteers kept apologising but I was thrilled to be able to help and it felt so good to empty the basket.

I was given a badge and next week will have one with my name on it and I'm so proud of it. I came out feeling as though I had re-entered the outside world. I have been at home for 30 years, first as a foster mum to babies in care then as mum to my own kids and although I have health challenges, I really want to get back to work. Who knows, there might be a vacancy for a nursery nurse at the hospice one day.

I am so gratefull for the chance to help there and for everyone being so kind. There is so much love there.  

1634 Reads

What Tree Would You Be?

I was walking through the woods with our 2 dogs that are spaniels along with my daughter and we were talking about trees.  

I said that trees felt like freinds standing there quietly for us and Heather, my daughter, said they were leaning over in the breeze to give us a hug.  She said if she came back to life as a tree she would be a cherry blossom tree so she could drop pretty pink blossom everywhere to make it pretty. I don't know what tree I would like to be but I think I would be a lavender plant  so my little flowers could help people relax, ease their headaches, lift their spirits and be used around the home to make it smell lovely.

What tree would you be?

1627 Reads

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