Stories by HiddenGems (2 matches)

The Hidden Gems My Grandmother Gifted Me

I was having trouble with a bully at school once when I was younger. One day I eventually confided in my grandmother. I told her that I was being bullied at school.    She surprised me a little bit when she asked me what it was about? I said that I really didn't know.  She said she knew what it was about. She said it was because I hadn't done anything wrong and was simply being me. I really didn’t understand her? Why would I be bullied for not doing anything wrong?   She said that the other person was jealous of me because of something they lacked.  I was sure that couldn’t be right.   We weren’t very well off so I had second hand clothes, simple shoes, etc. whilst the other person was always in the latest fashion and had new things.    Then my grandmother explained that the jealously was not ... Read Full Story >>

2156 Reads

A Ferry, a Sunset and a Smiling Little Girl

My family and I were recently at a large sailing event in The Netherlands. These events can be so beautiful so I always have my camera around.  During the event, I was taking a trip on a ferry. It was in the late afternoon and the sun was setting in the background. It was beautiful.  I was looking around and I saw next to me a lovely little girl sitting on the shoulders of her father.  It was a perfect moment, the girl was smiling and the sun was setting. Without thinking, I took a picture of the little girl in that moment then and there. Her mother was slightly surprised that a stranger was photographing her daughter.  I explained that it was such a beautiful moment and showed them the photo on my digital camera.  They loved the photo. I said I could email it to them when I ... Read Full Story >>

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