Stories by nycesweetp (5 matches)

Inspiration From my Daughter

My daughter, who is thirteen, is not a sentimental person. Imagine how surprised I was the other day when told me that she had been giving a school friend of hers a hug every day since she realized the girl "wasn't getting a lot of love at home." 
I thought that was so sweet of her! It seems she not only reaches out to her friends these days but to her teachers and other children as well. I thought that was awesome! 
So, I gave her a Smile Card for her act of kindness and told her all about it. She liked the idea so much that she found someone else to hug and gave them the card so they could continue passing it forward! 
Isn't this just beautiful? Thanks to Smile cards she is learning the meaning of Random Acts Of Kindness (even towards her sister!) Now, how cool is that?


5215 Reads

Ripples From The Smile Deck

I picked a card from the Smile Deck today - it was a spade.  The spades are in the category “For Our World”.  I picked the card (4 of spades) which says:  “send a thank you note to a person or business helping the world”. I have recently had someone come in to my life who has inspired me tremendously.  She is very kind.  She reaches out to children all over the world who are disabled or terminally ill.  She wants to bring a little bit of sunshine into their lives so she sends them lovely goodie bags for their birthdays and on other special occasions.  I feel blessed to know her and decided to use this opportunity to thank her. I went to the store and bought a lovely ‘Thank You’ card and wrote a kind note inside.  I also placed a Smile Card in the envelope so that she knows she ... Read Full Story >>

4618 Reads

A Small Gesture To Make Some Children Smile

A few years ago my family and I  decided to go to Kentucky Friced Chicken and grab a bite to eat.  In the line, in front of us, were three kids that looked to be in middle school.  I noticed they were scraping their purses and pockets to pay for their meals.  They managed to pay for it and I was glad.

However, I took it to an extra level. While they were quietly waiting for their food, I told the cashier that I wanted  three gift cards in the increments of $5.00 each. She handed me the gift cards and I went to the children and said: "You have been blessed today and your next lunch meal is on me."   I gave them each a $5 gift card.  They were so happy and thanked me. The girl that was in the group said,  "I have to tell my mom this about this one, I really do."  I just smiled and told them to enjoy their day.

They were so happy they were bursting with joy. You can tell they appreciated a stranger showing an act of kindness that day. Even a small gesture like this can make an impact in children's lives.


2583 Reads

A Little Help for a 5 Year Old

I went on to this web site that I am part of where everyone tries to help each other.  There  was a special request made for a five-year-old year old on her birthday.  The request was for a dress, a birthday card and some bows.

I made contact with the mom, got her information and mailed out a box to the little girl. I sent a dress, bows, and a birthday card with $2.00 in the card for her. Her mom was happy. I just got the email from her and it bought a smile to my face knowing that she appreciated it.  It said: "Thank you so so so much for the card and the bows and the shirt! Savana loved them! You are a blessing! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! Thank you again!"

Her statement made me smile. And, I am glad that she got her little ones package before the birthday this month. At times our funds run a little tight and you need some help. But, I felt good knowing that I contributed to a little one's smile on her face when she received these things from me.  This alone is special to me.

2143 Reads

On a Mission to Create Smiles

The other day, I went to the Wendys near my house where I usually like to go. There is a girl that always works the register but never smiles and is always serious everytime I go. That day, I was on a mission to make her smile. When I noticed it was her at the Register again: I said "Hello, How are you?" She said "May I take your order?" I said " Hello, How are you?" (and made eye contact with her).  Then she looked at me and said with a Smile "I am fine and how may I help you today?" I said to her "Thank You!" Then I placed my order. Sometimes, I throw the Representatives for a loop when I call in to pay my bills by asking them "How are you doing?" I am adamant about getting an answer.  People working in customer service jobs could use a smile ... Read Full Story >>

1502 Reads

'nycesweetp' Also Commented on These Stories

Ripples From The Smile Deck

A Little Help for a 5 Year Old

A Small Gesture To Make Some Children Smile