Stories by xXcandyxgirlXx (2 matches)

Making a Difference by Just Saying 'I Love You'

It may not seem like much, but it made such a difference. This morning I told my mum I loved her just because I wanted to.  It was so unexpected that she has been in a good mood all day. That one little comment made her so happy that I think everyone should tell those closest to them that they are loved every day

1611 Reads

Little Presents to Take Friends a Long Way

I thought I would have a go at doing an anonymous random act of kindness. My friends have been miserable a lot lately because we are doing all our end of year tests at school so I thought they could do with some cheering up.

I went home after school that night and made them pretty little cards that tells them how wonderful I think each of them are. The next day when they weren't looking I slipped them into thier school bags and when they found them they were really pleased. This made them so happy that I went home to make little letters to tell them to enjoy thier little cards which I will slip them tomorrow. I have also made them more little cards that have poems on them about that person which I will give them on Friday.

My little presents have made such an impact that everyone is a lot happier and being a lot more positive about school. (I haven't yet quite worked out when I am going to stop giving them things and tell them it is me!)

1483 Reads

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