Stories by Hanuman (3 matches)

Kindness Challenge! Daily Double

I was happy to receive this morning's 21 day challenge idea of reconnecting with an old pal and so I reached out to two of my old college roommates, expressing gratitude for their roles in shaping an earlier version of myself.

After sending out a heartfelt email, I went to get my morning health shake from the juice store around the corner. I also stopped at a coffee shop to pick up a snack for a co-worker when the lady behind the counter (Lucy) commented on how I should bring her a juice one day, so I smiled and just gave her mine since I hadn't drank it yet!

She thought I was joking at first, but  was ultimately taken aback by the surprise act of kindness. This was so great since the Day 1 act of kindness was giving away a special treat to someone, which I did yesterday.

It isn't even 8:30 am yet and I just got a double act (opportunity) of kindness...can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

3299 Reads

Red Light Ripple Effect

On the way into work the other day, I was at a big intersection at a red light. A homeless person was standing in the cold with a sign asking for help. No one seemed to offer anything.

I had some granola bars in the car (as a back-up snack for my kids) and so I rolled down my window and gave a smile and a granola bar.
I got a big thank you and smile back, and then all of a sudden another car in the lane next to me rolled down their window and gifted something, and then another car behind that and a 3rd thereafter with the homeless person dancing in gratitude from car to car. 

You never know when the ripple effects will take you but it certainly led to a big smile on my heart!

636 Reads

An Amazing Dessert That We Never Tasted

I was at dinner last night with a good friend at an upscale restaurant celebrating some recent successes she had. There was a young boy at the table next to ours and my friend, a mother of 2 boys herself, commented how well-behaved and sweet the boy looked and how she wished she had a cupcake to give him. We were highly engaged in conversation on the topic of how to transform the economic and legal systems by creating a win-win-win scenario among all stakeholders from the earth to each person in a supply chain ("the Economics of Mutuality"), yet we couldn't help ourselves from peering over and admiring how well mannered he was, how he was not complaining or asking for some phone even though he was likely bored given he was the only child. So we decided to call our waiter and asked him to deliver a nice dessert to ... Read Full Story >>

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