Stories by smurfiest (1 matches)

Dinner for Two at a Mexican Restaurant

A few nights ago some friends and I went to dinner at a little hole-in-the-wall Mexican resturaunt that we all like. A few minutes after we arrived, an older couple about 76 came in and wanted to sit at a table that was not clean. I found it kinda' odd since there were 5 tables clean and ready to go. Just as this thought ran through my mind, the lady said that it is their table that they always sit at. We all heard it and smiled.  I lookled over at them and I smiled and they did not smile back. When we payed for our meal, we decided to pay for their meal too. I wass soooo excited to do this. We told the waitress not to tell them anything and to just let them know it is taken care of. She agreed and off we went.  I was laying in bed that night wondering if they liked it or if they were surprised. Then I realized it didn't matter -- what mattered was that they got something they wouldn't have expected and it hopefully warmed their hearts.  It sure warmed mine.

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