Stories by jer09 (1 matches)

A Small Gesture That Made My Day Brighter

I needed to stop by our local grocery store on my way home. As I approached the store, I could see  a little old lady was trying to get a young man's attention - but without success. I asked the lady if she needed something and she said yes.  She had parked near the shopping cart return area and was going to use a cart to lean on.  She needed it to help her balance.  There was only once cart there and it was from a different store so she didn't want to use it.   I walked to another cart area and retrieved a cart for this grocery store.  The lady was relieved and happy to have the right cart.  She told me she uses the cart to get to the store.  Once inside, she uses a motorized cart.  She thanked me and was on her way. A little while later, I saw the little old ... Read Full Story >>

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