Stories by letsfaceit06 (1 matches)

Sunday Lunch For Three

On Sunday morning I packed two lunches for my husband and I to have after church. We planned to stop by his office after the services and have our lunch there. He had to leave before me so we arranged to meet at his office afterwards.

When I arrived at his office, to my surprise, I found there was only one lunch pack and I wondered if he had already finished the other one. But he told me he had given the other lunch to a street boy.

Unkind thoughts flashed across my mind. 'He knew this was the only food I had brought! I don't have money to spend for another lunch! What was he thinking?"

I asked him why and he just said, "I saw a someone like me sitting, looking helpless as if someone shot him in the leg. He had watery eyes as if he was crying. I asked him if he had eaten anything and he said, "No." What else could I do? I gave him one of the food packs."

I was really touched by his reply and, amazingly, I discovered I wasn't really so hungry after all. 


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