Stories by 123u2 (3 matches)

It's People That Always Surprise You

I had little in the way of money when I took this job at McCrory's in Ft. Lauderdale. In fact to ease me through hunger pangs at noon, I sat outside at a little park/bus stop area and had a piece of bubble gum, ate half with a glass of water. I was okay with that. I certainly would not starve to death that quickly. I minded my own business and enjoyed the sunshine, birds and people, wiping out any problems I had. Life is always beautiful and things always change is how I think. A tall man approached me who was not disheveled and struck up a conversation about little things. I always dressed clean and neat, well that must have given him the impression I had money. He said, I wanted to ask you ''if you could give me some money.''  I said ''I don't have any.'' He kept on asking, ... Read Full Story >>

5703 Reads

An Answer To A Prayer

  Since my husband has been hospital for quite a while I have learned to make do with very little.    On Sunday I went to our church and someone there said to me, "I know you must be having a tough time." I just smiled and said, "I'm okay. I have two dollars and I have food at home, so I'll be fine."   I always think that what I have is what I have and it is up to me to make the most of it.    Anyway, then she said, "Can I borrow your Bible? I need to look up a verse." I said, "Okay."   Just then someone called me. "I'll be right back," I said to the woman. When I returned she thanked me and returned my Bible.   On my way home my friend who was driving said, "I thought you told me you didn't have any money?" I replied, "I don't."   She said, "Oh yes ... Read Full Story >>

4416 Reads

Kindness Isn't Just For Humans

My daughter was on her way home when she saw a mother cat and her kitten trying to cross the street. The mother made it across, but kitten didn't. 

No, the kitten did not get hurt but it was left behind, crying for mother. My daughter picked it up and cuddled it. She noticed that its eyes were matted. The poor thing was unable to see. 
She looked all over for the mother cat but could not find her. So, she took the little one to her home and now she plans to take care of it. 
Helping humans is important but let's not forget that animals in distress can also be helped with a little love and kindness.


2132 Reads

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