Stories by sysgram (5 matches)

There's Magic in Even the Simplest Kind Act

The mat on the floor of the airport concourse had been folded back. People were walking around it or stepping over, it could have been a hazard for anyone in a wheelchair, a child or elderly person might have tripped over it. Surely, I thought, there was some employee in the airport whose job it was to take care of such things - but no one did! 

 Then one man, passing through the airport on his way to who knows where, stopped and adjusted the mat, making it safe for people he would never meet, and walked on to catch his flight.
He didn't have to do it, but he did it anyway. He had no way of knowing if he would help anyone, but he did it anyway.
He also didn't know that I was watching, and he probably could not have imagined that his little act of public courtesy would inspire me to do the same kind of thing whenever I could over the next ten years!
That's the magic of even the simplest act of kindness - it doesn't just help others, more often than we will ever know, it inspires more people to help others too!


2297 Reads

A Christmas Manger Overflowing With Kindness


When my sons were young we decided to create a fun way to do more kind things for others around the festive period.  
We removed the baby Jesus from the manger!
The refilling of the manger could only be done by completing a random (and anonymous) act of kindness, writing about it on a slip of paper and placing the folded slip in the manger. Nothing counted unless you were able to get away with it without the receiver knowing your identity!
It was a fun game to play and before long that manger was overflowing with kindness slips. 
Baby Jesus returned on Christmas Eve, too!


1547 Reads

Smile Cards At Church


The Peace & Justice committee at my church loved the Smile cards I took to a recent meeting. They liked them so much they decided to include a card in every church bulletin the next Sunday (both services!)  
Everyone was invited to use their card during the next week and keep the spirit of kindness moving.  
That's 1,500 people helping others and inviting recipients of their good deeds to do the same.  
I love the ripple effect of throwing a single stone of kindness in the pond of the world.  


1514 Reads

Paws To Help

We were at the vet's surgery waiting for our dog's regular checkup when my husband overheard a conversation between the receptionist and an older man.

He had a dog in his arms who needed treatment but he didn't have the money to pay for it, so he left.  
We talked it over and decided to pay his bill in advance. The receptionist agreed to call him in for the dog's treatment and we went home grateful that we could afford to help.


1394 Reads

In Mother's Memory

I was thinking that Mother's Day was coming up soon. I felt sad that my mother is no longer alive.  
Then I started wondering what could I do to make someone else's day brighter? (That usually lifts my own spirits.)  
I decided to make a donation to a charity that provides mosquito nets for people in Africa. Maybe I would save a life, maybe I would calm a mother's worried heart as she put her children to bed, and it would be done in honor the woman who gave me life.  
That's a very satisfying feeling. Now I'm thinking about Father's Day ...  

1044 Reads

'sysgram' Also Commented on These Stories

Thankful For God's Blessing -- My Husband

My Neighbour's Mail

The Christmas Stranger

Free Money At Walmart

An Unforgettable Morning at the Airport

Trick-O-Treating in Reverse!

My 24 Hours With Hope

Helping A Friend Dance With The Stars

Jamie's Story

The Simplest Act of Kindness Can Be Priceless

A Professor's Lesson 30 Years Ago