Stories by jsmc10 (11 matches)

25 Tips to Turn Kindness As Your Superhero Power!

(Originally posted on My poet’s heart has always been soft, and I tend to err on the side of being more kind than necessary. This has always been misunderstood and perceived as naïve, and even weird, by others. Quite frequently in a new situation my kindness was perceived as disingenuous, or as having an ulterior motive. Why would anyone be nice without expecting something in return? I had no explanation other than that it simply wasn't the way I was wired. Finally, as an adult I came to the realization that kindness is my superhero power. Every day our lives serve as either a warning or as an example to others. My life at times has served as both. I now choose to have it serve only as an example. Kindness is my message to the world, and I’d like to think this message is gaining traction. From my heart to yours, here ... Read Full Story >>

6586 Reads

Balloon On A Kindness Journey

I finally did it! I am so happy! 

I've had this idea for a while but I didn't have the guts to actually go through with it - until today.

I bought 10 helium filled balloons, drew a smiley face and wrote the date they were released on each them. I had set up another e-mail account for the project. I wrote the e-mail address on Smile Card and attached them to the balloons.

Then I took them outside and released them into the air. I hope to get some awesome stories back in return.

3574 Reads

Stranger's Serendipidous Skateboard Kindness

When I was on the till in the charity shop today, an elderly gentleman came in to ask for a skateboard. His wife has had physical therapy and used a skateboard for it. We didn't have any, but another lady was in there and said that she had a skateboard that she was going to throw out. She stated it was a bit rusty and needed a clean and the man said he didn't mind doing that. So they exchanged details and she said she would call him and bring it round for him. Must have been fate for them to be in there at the same time :)  

2374 Reads

Teaching Kids Kindness

It’s the start of a new school year! The kids are diving into their studies and adding a new stepping stone to their academic paths. There will, of course, be a lot of focus on sharpening those reading and math skills, BUT… Why not take some time to teach kindness? Kindness? Yes, that’s right! Let’s throw a little kindness in there too! Lessons on kindness begin at home, and they begin with your example. Lead the way by doing one or more of these random acts of kindness with your child. You’ll not only brighten someone’s day, but you’ll teach your child a beautiful lesson on serving others and provide an opportunity to spend quality time together.  Begin at Home: Have your child draw a picture, make something, or pick a special prize out for their sibling(s) or other family member(s). Donate: Go through old toys and books with your child and decide on ... Read Full Story >>

2285 Reads

Salvation Army Snail Mail

I recently got some smile cards and was looking forward to doing something great for someone, but I wasn't quite sure what to do.

Then, the other day, I received a random letter in the mail. It was from the Salvation Army.

Inside, there was a blank card. Attached was an invitation to write a note for a homeless or lonely person inside the card. There was a free post envelope to mail it back, as well, and this could all be done anonymously!

It was the perfect opportunity-- I absolutely jumped at the chance to do this! As I wrote the card, I smiled at the thought of its future recipient--whoever he or she is. I thought about how that person might feel when they receive it. I hope they know that someone out there cares about him or her!

I also included a Smile Card before mailing it off! :)

2236 Reads

I Believe In You

I wanted to say that I believe in every single one of you! 

I think that you should all strive for your goals, however big or small, however unlikely they may seem to be. I have confidence in you all and I hope you become the person you aspire to be, whether that be intellectually, spiritually, physically, mentally, professionally, or all of the above. Go for it! 

When you feel like giving up know that I am your cheerleader (or part of your cheerleading squad.) 

If you feel like you have failed take a deep breath, sleep on it maybe, brush yourself off and start again. 

If there are people out there who tell you that you can't do it, prove that you can, because I know you can! YOU CAN DO IT!

Big hugs!

1630 Reads

My Gentle Barn

Oh my goodness, I found a book called 'My Gentle Barn' about a woman called Ellie Laks and her journey into starting her rescue barn. I relate so much to her about the way she talks to the animals. It is a book that I could sit down and read all of it in one go but in the same way, she says things that breaks my heart (about the origins etc) and also parts I have to stop to digest what has been said because I love it so much. I thought I would share this with all of you as it got to my soul: This is relating to what she used to say to the children and teenagers that came in for therapy with the animals: "We may look different on the outside, but we're all the same," I would tell the visitors. "Just because a horse or a goat has ... Read Full Story >>

1622 Reads

Any Day is a Good day for Random Acts of Kindess

I am knitting some Christmas coasters for my fellow volunteers and paid employees at the British Heart Foundation shop, just for fun. I was hoping to finish them today but they are taking longer than I expected. I have done  three of the ten I wanted to, as I was hoping to give them out tomorrow. But any day is good for a Random Act of Kindness :) I feel shy about handing them out but I will try and be courageous as I would like them to have them. :) 

1618 Reads

Giving a little one a fighting chance

I  rescued a little wood mouse with an injured leg. I called up a few places to get some advice. They told me to put some cotton wool in a little container and some wet bread. I'm hoping he survives the night. I just wanted to give the little one a fighting chance.

1283 Reads

Sharing the Gratitude

Another special gratitude jar I made for Bodster, the equine assisted learning place I have been going to who have been so supportive, caring and wonderful by giving me a bit of a break from my mental illnesses and helping me get back into life again. The buttons spell out 'Bodster' with a horse on either side. It is my last time at Bodster tomorrow and it will be a sad time, but I know I can always contact them if I would like to. I am so grateful for their presence in my life.

1020 Reads


I have been saying "I love you" a lot more to people and animals. I used to fear being shot down but now I don't worry about that. I have a big heart and I recognize now it is full of love and it needs to be put out into the world. :)

854 Reads

'jsmc10' Also Commented on These Stories

25 Tips to Turn Kindness As Your Superhero Power!

A Tribute to Rodney: Ten Things to Live By

With A Little Help From My Brother

Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #6 - "I feel good doing this!"

Top Ten Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #10 - 8 Things To Do Every Day That Will Make You Happier

More than Money at the Bus Stop

A Smiling Face at the Store

Teaching English Helped Him Be Seen Again

Rice In Chennai Station

Sunday Night Kindness Deliveries

An Umbrella to Brighten a Day

Smile Cards In Class

Top 10 Stories of 2012, Story #7 - Lessons from a Mother's Love

Hospital Cafeteria Kindness

The Gift on the Sidewalk

My Day To Visit Someone

Soaring with Happiness

Thank You, Dentist!

Pay It Forward Coffee Day

A Lesson In Kindness From My Mother