Stories by agarwalceema (2 matches)

Starbucks Kindness

Yesterday I was waiting in the Starbucks line for my Tazo Chai Latte. A lady in front of me was at the cashiers register paying for her goodies. Her credit card kept denying. When she checked she wasn't sure why her bill was not paid. Anyways I offered to pay for her goodies. The look in her eyes and the cashier's eyes were priceless. Thank you universe.

1363 Reads

When My Instinctive Kindness Kicked In

Today morning when I was crossing the street, I looked both ways and it seemed safe to cross the street. Suddenly a car changed lanes and was speeding towards my direction. There was another man with me crossing the street. 

My immediate reflex reaction kicked in and I held his hand to hold him back. I kept holding his hand till it was safe for us to walk again.

When we reached the other side of the street, he just looked at me like "Do you know you were holding a strangers hand" That's when I realized what happened :)

863 Reads

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