Readers Comments
RoseMarie wrote: Kiwi, thank you for inspiring me with this one x 💓
seamar67 wrote: Oh, Rosemarie!!!! The language of flowers flows from the heart. Love to you and Elizabeth and Kiwi!!!!!
pyronik wrote: that's brilliant, & she was so appreciative :-) Well done Kiwi for the inspiration (((RoseMarie, Elizabeth, Kiwi)))
balou wrote: Beautiful :-) such a garden really is a gift to all people seeing it! Thank you for thanking her :-)
splain wrote: What a beautiful present. As a gardener and with some lovely flowers, I would love the gift of flowers!!!! You really showed depth of understanding by realizing she was missing her own flowers.
mindyjourney wrote: Beautiful flowers for beautiful Elizabeth <3. thank you so much, my friend....lovely lovely lovely :))).
kindmyst wrote: RoseMarie, Wow, such a thoughtful act. you and Elizabeth won the kindness jackpot.
mish wrote: Such a beautiful heart-to-hearts connection took place between the two of you . Awesome 🌹
lieveliene wrote: This truly is an example of how you can find joy in something someone else does and return that joy right to them. How sweet a gesture by you!
AndiCas wrote: What a beautiful story Rose-Marie.