Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Flowers For a Gardner

--by RoseMarie, posted Nov 21, 2015
An elderly lady who lives near me keeps her garden so beautiful. It has an abundance of flowers and colours. The weather is not too good here at the moment, it's actually raining. I drove past this elderly lady's house and the garden is showing signs of winter with very little by way of flowers or colour. I knocked on her door and she came out. She doesn't know me and I told her I had flowers for her.

Dear love, she said she couldn't imagine who would be giving her flowers. I told her it was me and I was giving them to her because she works so hard in her garden and we all get to enjoy the beauty of it. She was totally gobsmacked. All she could say was 'I don't know what to say.' Her name is Elizabeth. Tears ran down Elizabeth's face and you would truly think she'd just won a jackpot.

Elizabeth told me she loves flowers, I laughed and told her I already knew that! I also gave her a little thank you card to let her know all her hard work in her garden brings joy to others. Elizabeth this moment was so precious to me.

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Readers Comments

vidurama wrote: She added beauty to life and you too did the same. The touch of the divine is so gentle that unless one is sensitive enough, one would miss it.
Eckyssister wrote: What a lovely thing to do
backroads2 wrote: What a lovely thought for a woman who keeps such a beautiful garden.
Susie wrote: What a lovely idea. I like to do a more anonymous deed, and post a thank you card. But next time i think i might try the flowers. Thanks for the idea.
happy4u wrote: How thoughtful of you! This is such a sweet story.
sunita wrote: Thank you for kind deeds. Just reading this beautiful not makes me happy. It's so strengthening to know that there is so much goodness in this world.
Pudzak wrote: Love this! Blessings to you both!
Bev wrote: Omg! That was a beautiful thing you did. I never would have probably even thought of it - or ventured to do it! More power to you - and elizabeth! Are you friends now?
Savraj wrote: Oh my goodness, this is such a brilliant idea! You are so sweet to think of it!
melnotes wrote: How beautiful and a wonderful inspiration too!

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