Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wondering: "Why am I Kept Alive?"

--by Woelwaters, posted Oct 16, 2008


  On Saturday evening we had some new friends over at our house. One of the guests was a frail 91- year- old lady, the mother of one of our friends. At some stage in the evening the two of us were alone at the table where we were sitting outside in the beautiful evening.


  Margaret, the elderly woman,  started talking. She is very quiet and mostly listens to conversations. Being very weak, she cannot walk on her own any longer, and weighs probably something in the neighborhood of 40 kilograms.


   “I don’t know why am still kept alive,” she said. “I struggle physically, don’t sleep well, and feel like a burden to my son.” (She lives with her son).


   We talked about possible reasons why she would still be around. “You bring out the gentleness and kindness in people, simply by virtue of who you are, “ I said. “You create the opportunity for people to discover and practice kindness and gentleness in themselves, in dealing with you.”


   The conversation was very honest and truthful, with no small talk. But it was not heavy at all. It was as if there was a light between us. I shared with her my worrying about my own elderly and sickly mother, and my questions about how ready she is for the passing-on experience, and how she really deals with her own weak body. We talked about her son and how well loved and respected he is in the groups where we meet and got to know each other. I mentioned how beautiful and peaceful the home where the two of them live is, how it reflects a wonderful energy. And it gave her some peace to hear all these things quietly shared.


   When the two of them left so she could go home and rest, I held her gently and repeated some of the things we had talked about.


  Afterwards, I thought how much that conversation meant to me, to be able to talk about things I am unable to share with my mom. And again I realized the miracle of real contact, of two souls meeting one another even if the two human beings have not known one another long. Was she the one to receive or be helped, or I? Both of us, I think.





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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: Methinks, yes, it was both of you who were blessed by the conversation. Thanks for telling this story, it's very nice! Linda:)
AURELIA wrote: So beautiful! Sometimes the opportunities are there and we don't even know it...I am so happy you both found comfort in one anothers kind and gentle interaction that night. :0) Maybe it opened a door (like a dress rehearsal) for you to speak with you own mom now. God Bless You. ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great. I'm sure on her way home she now knew why she was still around. Your words to her were very wise and kind. Thanks for caring so much!
PayingForward wrote: What a beautiful and honest conversation you were able to have with this precious woman. I can imagine it also meant a lot to her as she reflected on the interaction. God seems to put people in the right place at the right time ... though sometimes we don't act on His wisdom in the opportunity. You did and received and gave a blessing. Thank you for sharing. :)
elizaliza wrote: In every honest discussion, both parties benefit immensely. I believe M was glad after the talk and u must have been happy after the talk too. Thats the way it is. Thanks for sharing the experience too, sometimes it is necessary to go over the opportunity to live and the reason why we exist.LOVE YA!!!
JuneBug wrote: I absolutely love your story! Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?? :}
theresa wrote: that is so beautiful. it must of made the older lady realize that she is still needed.
TheGuru wrote: I think this is a wonderful story. It not just ispires the reader, but also gives the reader the chance to reflect it on his/her own life. I think the son is a good role model for any person, because he takes care of his mother. This can be proven by her age, 91. The son and mother also show a beautiful mother and son relationship can contiune to excist for a long time!
irongrace wrote: You are very blessed to have is conversation

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