Stories by Woelwaters (2 matches)

Wondering: "Why am I Kept Alive?"

    On Saturday evening we had some new friends over at our house. One of the guests was a frail 91- year- old lady, the mother of one of our friends. At some stage in the evening the two of us were alone at the table where we were sitting outside in the beautiful evening.     Margaret, the elderly woman,  started talking. She is very quiet and mostly listens to conversations. Being very weak, she cannot walk on her own any longer, and weighs probably something in the neighborhood of 40 kilograms.      “I don’t know why am still kept alive,” she said. “I struggle physically, don’t sleep well, and feel like a burden to my son.” (She lives with her son).      We talked about possible reasons why she would still be around. “You bring out the gentleness and kindness in people, simply by virtue of who you are, “ I said. ... Read Full Story >>

3040 Reads

A Child, a Bicycle and a Stray Dog

In South Africa we daily learn  how to trust other racial groups. This is an amazing experience in itself, to understand the one-ness despite the different colours. Leaving my mom's home on Sunday I saw some kids standing in the street, looking intently to the direction I was coming from. Something seemed wrong. Not sure what was happening, I stopped and wound down the window. A teenage girl peeped in and said: "My brother was riding his bicycle and was chased by that stray dog. He is dead scared of dogs, and just climbed over someone's wall to get away." I looked back and saw the dog. A big, brown creature clearly belonging somewhere else, but not in a street where kids play and drive their bicycles. "Get in," I said, "and show me where your brother is".   In hopped three kids and we drove up the street to where a young boy ... Read Full Story >>

1985 Reads

'Woelwaters' Also Commented on These Stories

Saying Goodbye The Sweetest Way!

A Little Red Book

Life Is Baeutiful.

Do Not Fear, Smile Retrievers Are Here!

A Big Piece Of Humble Pie

From a Child to the "People Without Houses"

Yogi on the Go

Remembering the Feeling of Being Lost as a Kid

Hand in Hand on a Stormy Night

The Crying Baby

Immeasurable Generosity from a Friend

Thank God For Dirty Dishes

Driveway Turns Into A Beach

A Little Elbow Grease

Every Kid Needs Smarties!

A Simple Rule Since I was 12

Cereal For the Soul

Twelve Minute Cab Ride To Penn Station

Two Women Who Taught Me Kindness