Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Dancing Through the Checkout Line

--by magicalbubbles, posted Oct 30, 2008

   I rather enjoy the music in the supermarket and so last week i found myself whistling and humming along quietly as i did my weekly food shopping.

   I got to the checkout and noticed that the lady in front of me looked like she had had a bad day and the young kid working the checkout looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.  Still on my own little high from a good day I set about unloading my groceries and humming to myself. 

   When it was my turn I was snapped back to reality with the checkout kid smiling and dancing around.  When I commented on how nice it was to see him enjoying himself and that I also enjoyed the music he said, "Well I heard this noise and thought it was my mobile phone vibrating at first.  Then I realised that it was you humming and you inspired me to dance."

   Everyone in the queue was laughing and smiling and so what is normally a rather mundane exercise for most people was turned into an opportunity to connect with others. Without even realising it, I was able to share my happiness with someone else and show that it is contagious.

   I debated posting this story at first as i didn't think it was a "real" act of kindess. After thinking about it some more and telling the story to a few friends, i came to appreciate how magical and unique this shared moment was and how much joy it brought to the people involved as well as the ones I shared it with.


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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Anything you do to bring a smile into the world is a "real" act of kindness!
More! More!
AURELIA wrote: May we all sing and dance together!!! What a party it would be! Good job...I love your name "Magicalbubbles" I smile just saying it :0) ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: You did a good thing without even realizing it. Shall we dance??? LindaM:)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: This is great, thanks! Any time you can make someone smile, laugh or dance, it is always worth sharing!
JuneBug wrote: Ah! This is one of the stories that would have gone wasted if you had not posted it!! What joy you brought to others!!! Keep on dancing!!!!:}
humaira wrote: Oh!! it was too good to hear it from you.. you are so sweet.. thanks for sharing the incident with us.. keep spreading smiles... god bless!!!
wanderlust wrote: It makes me smile. And smiles lower stress by helping to lighten everything. Glad you shared :)
seesee wrote: Some times you never know, those other people could have been depressed or down or even at the end of their ropes, so that small act of kindness right now , when our country is still deep in a recession, some people can barely function. So that small act of kindness can really make a big difference to them. And let us not forget the lonely people they need love too.
livingadelicious wrote: Thank you fir sharing this heart warming story!

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