Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lessons Learned from Lavender Lilacs

--by butterfly, posted May 12, 2009

I  was strolling by some lavender colored lilacs which were clustered alongside the sidewalk yesterday on the way to catch a ride with my neighbor who was joining me for a community dinner gathering. The quiet and soft movement of the little flowers as they danced in the breeze just made me pause for a moment. I looked at them swaying in the breeze as if they were alive and happy. I thought about how it would feel to make another human being alive and happy like those lilacs... 

It was Mother's Day and although I was many continents away from my mother, I thought about my neighbor, who is a mother too. In fact, a mother of two. In addition to wanting to express my thanks to her for giving me a ride to the upcoming evening gathering, I scrambled back home with my new idea unfolding in my mind. I rummaged through my yellow pages, located the nearest florist, and darted over there ensuring that they had flowers with a money back guarantee unless they added a bright feel to warm a mother's heart.

Collecting a bouquet of sunshine yellow daffodils, I opened the door of my neighbor, the door of a mother, the door of someone who smiled and hugged and held my hand tightly with joy. Such a fleeting exchange in a doorway made a mother dance with life and I have to thank the lilacs for that moment! :)

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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: Indeed your thought of giving flowers to your neighbour was such a good gesture returned with joy and happiness.
SHIRLEY Marsh wrote: Thank you from all mothers everywhere! Such a sweet gesture. I love flowers and butterflies; magical, fragile, fleeting things of such beauty. I love kindness even more; and its power!
oldgirl wrote: I am sure that you made the day very special for one mother butterfly. You own mothjer would be so proud of you for the thoughtfullness you showed.
hotcocoa wrote: Such a cute thing to do from you!

God bless.
ifer wrote: This was beautifully written! Thank you for sharing it here. Smiles.
Stanzi wrote: Lilacs are my favorite flowers, so glad they inspired you!
guddee wrote: Very nice! Small acts like this makes this world a better place to live. Thanks to people like you!
Sandi wrote: With a name like butterfly and lilacs you couldn't lose! Both beautiful gifts from god that delight our spirits.

Thank you ~
sleepytomato wrote: Daffodils are my favorite flowers because their color just brightens up any day - i'm sure you were like a ray of sunshine beaming into your neighbor's life :)
mariette wrote: Beautiful. What a manifestation of slowing down to allow the small details in life to guide our intentions. :-) thanks

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