Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Lesson In Receiving, We Too Give

--by bucklandmike, posted Jan 17, 2016
I recently ran a support group for people who have family members with mental health conditions and who need support. It was our second meeting. However, no one showed up who had a family member with a mental health condition.  

Albeit, two students did show up who were interested in working with people with mental health conditions. These two students gave of their time to allow me to share with them how the support group works. They let me practice my group facilitation skills. This was so helpful for me! I guess I gave them the gift of giving to someone else too!
I want to remember it is very important to be able to receive help from others, with thankfulness and gratitude, in addition to giving.
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Readers Comments

bountiful wrote: wonderful, that is great teaching and education for them awesome ::))
AndiCas wrote: How fortunate that these two were able to offer you their time and ears. It will be so helpful when the support group gets off the ground.
splain wrote: Learning both ways. The support group will happen eventually so don't give up. The students helped you hone your skills and they learnt from you.
mish wrote: What you do is so important. Bless you x
mindyjourney wrote: blessings to you and to the students that showed. Being the change, my friend :)))

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