Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taco Tuesday

--by kbv, posted Jan 22, 2016
Today is Taco Tuesday and I had just ordered my daughter and myself tacos when a little boy dropped his drink and it spilled all over the floor. He started to cry and I could see his mom had her hands full carrying food and drink, so I told the boy it would be OK and the woman behind the counter gave me a new cup to fill up. He stopped crying.

His mom did not speak English so we just smiled mom smiles and
nodded mom nods at each other.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Love your phrase "mom nods. "
bountiful wrote: unspoken words sometimes are the strength in knowing...lovely
AndiCas wrote: So good of you to step in. Mum smiles are an international language <3 I'm sending you one ;)
splain wrote: Lovely of you to help out. Universal language of smiles
mish wrote: Smiles are our universal language. You acted beautifully . Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your calm connect and encourage.
savraj wrote: Mom nods and smiles are the best!

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