Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Act of Kindness is Never Wasted

--by cemacnab, posted Jan 8, 2016
Today, I was shopping at Jewel and using the self check-out line when all of a sudden someone accidentally scanned their gallon of milk on my register when I was bagging up. It was only four dollars and they felt so bad, but I saw this as an opportunity to be kind. I paid for it and told them not to worry about it. They were extremely grateful for my act and left the store smiling. I felt good doing that for them. 

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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: that was kind of you.
AndiCas wrote: What a great opportunity!
splain wrote: You did well. So kind
RoseMarie wrote: Awh that was really good of you x 💓
spiderwoman1953 wrote: That is a great way of turning something uncomfortable into a sweet kindness
sandyremillar wrote: very nice.....sweet!
savraj wrote: Very nice!
mindyjourney wrote: Kindness does feel soooo good! Thank you :)

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