Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ten Dollar Gift Worth a Lot More

--by Bananatheworl, posted Jan 11, 2016
I had a Wal-Mart gift card to use so I went to buy some things to make little gifts for random kids walking through the mall.  I got my stuff and made my way to the check out line.

The cashier scans my stuff and I give him my card. The machine rejected it, but  he tried many ways. It would not work. Then I noticed the lady behind me waiting. She was just standing there watching me.  

I turned around looked at her and said "sorry", she then took a ten dollar bill out and handed it to the cashier. I' was stunned. All I could muster up was a thank you over and over again. She says "whatever you got, enjoy it!" I will never forget her kindness. I will certainly be passing the love on!!! :)  

2014 Reads

Readers Comments

Sarakay wrote: I started a support group in our city for people who have parkinson's disease or are caring for someone who has it. Little did i know that it has turned into a love/support/ friends group. We see each other twice a month, email each other often, call to keep in touch with those who are no longer able to come to the meetings and have potlucks together.
Both my husband and i have received so much more than we ever expected. True and deep love is the reward we have received which means a lot in this busy busy world.
MarieClaire wrote: Beautiful story, great example of "pay it forward" !
splain wrote: That very good of her to do that
melnotes wrote: How wonderful is this, what an awesome kindness act :)
brindlegirl wrote: And that's what kindness is all about! Thank you for sharing xox
mindyjourney wrote: Love those RAOK's :))). Thanks for sharing and paying it forward!

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