Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Turning it Around With an Act Of Kindness

--by lt33, posted Jan 13, 2016
I was at work in the same aisle as a lady and her daughter when I overheard the mother yelling at her daughter. She said: "Great! No onion soup to use for my beef. Now I'm going to have to re-plan my entire meal for the day. I told you we should've went to Monroeville grocery store instead! They never have what I want here. The woman's daughter seemed upset and replied back: "Mom you don't need to be mad at me. "

I went into the back found 2 cans of onion soup and searched the whole store to find the lady and her daughter again. I asked: "Mam will this work?" The woman looked at me puzzled. (Like how did  you know?) I shared with her that I had overheard what they had talked about  A big smile came across her face and she said 'thank you'. Not only that, but her daughter  also had a relieved smile. I hope I turned her day around. :)

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Readers Comments

twocents wrote: Very sweet of you to go the extra mile to turn around their day. I'll bet it made a bigger difference than you know :-)
bananatheworl wrote: Wonderful!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for making their day (and dinner!) with your thoughtful kindness :))). great going!
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful kindness! And this soup looks yummy! Yours?
savraj wrote: So great. You changed the course of their day!!
splain wrote: They must really love you at work. Always so pleasant and helpful
brindlegirl wrote: That there is what customer service and being a good human is all about!!!
lindariebel wrote: This RAOK took attention, time, and shoe rubber. Good on you!
mish wrote: You were the store angel that day!!!!! Big hugs ❤️

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