Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Poem By Mindy

--by mindyjourney, posted Jan 24, 2016
the kindness blessings 
of our combined energies
reach past the moments
of the ever-Now
into whatever presents
of here and how.
decades and days
months and millennia
years as drops in a sea
of the eternal unfolding
laugh, dance and sing
tears, worries and lessons
TIME teaches us the gift
of evolutionary sessions.

mj 12.31.15 poem and drawing

1625 Reads

Readers Comments

melnotes wrote: Oh Im so glad Im still scrolling through posts and saw this one xx
Rippleffect wrote: Eternal unfolding is captured so beautifully in your picture as well...Ride the wave baby! XO
terre wrote: We have now. enjoy!
mish wrote: Waves of unfoldment 🌊🌊🌊
patjos wrote: Wonderful. Happy New Always!
KindMyst wrote: Now is what we have in the moment. 👏🏽❤️
splain wrote: Beautiful post as always.
kjoyw wrote: Oh, Mindy, am without the words from reading this! Exquisite. Thank you.
vitalreiki wrote: So gorgeous, dearest Mindy! Happy Year Year to you xx
brindlegirl wrote: Now is all there ever is. The perfect creation for this New Years Eve ♡

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