Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Joys of Winter

--by Rippleffect, posted Jan 31, 2016
THE JOYS OF WINTER...for all you folk down under the Equator! SO ..I am not really a big fan of winter but after reading one of the posts from our KS Tribe, I decided to work on my perception. This member talked about enjoying the act of shoveling the snow because it reminded her of a beloved family member (Grandma I think) and was good for her physical well being too.

In a continued effort to shower kindness on my husband I was taking out the garbage after my early morning workout. I looked at his frost and snow covered car. So I decided to warm it up for him and scrape it off. Funnily enough when I was in the car the radio was on ..the hosts were talking about how to get frost off a vehicle as quick as possible..Thanks universe...Got to do a kind act and not be in the cold for so long ;)

It was love-ly to get a big smile and kiss as a reward for that act of kindness..You give you receive! The picture below is from a great children's book called "Stranger in the Woods!" Hope you have a toast warm day! XO

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Readers Comments

jemimainjapan wrote: Wow! What happenstance that the radio was telling you exactly what to do! I'm sure you really lightened the load of your husbands day. :)
splain wrote: I love the picture and I love your post but the question, How do you get frost off a car quickly??(:-)))))))))))))))))))))
mindyjourney wrote: Wonderfully warm way to begin day (with all that loving kindness!).
pluto178 wrote: See the cold weather can bring warmth lol x
kmbhai wrote: beautiful....
vitalreiki wrote: Such a cute photo. Summer for me in New Zealand, so thanks for a little chill looking at this x
terre wrote: Love your story and the photo. Will be looking for that book.
savrajkaur wrote: Thankyou! You are such a sweet person and amazing wife! I love this photo! And please share your knowledge on how to get rid of frost quickly! 😃
melnotes wrote: So much joy in giving and receiving :)

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